
May 2012 Horoscope Virgo: Love & Relationships

As long as Mars is by your side (until the beginning of July 2012), you can rely on a lot of sexual vigor and on an active and enterprising attitude in all directions, including the sentimental one.

The passionate tendencies will be strong enough to cancel shyness and prudence that usually characterize you. Your wishes will be more fervent, more urgent and alive, feeding a conquering spirit that wishes to go for it, with no reserve or delays.

Your sentimental interests could be connected to trips, distances or the cultural environment. In some cases, there might be shared spiritual interests.

Anyway, in May 2012 love is somewhere on a pedestal: you'll either love somebody in an important position or with special achievements, or you'll have high expectations of the dear one.

Love might be connected to status or career one way or another.

May 2012 Horoscope Virgo: Career & Finance

The conjunction between Mercury (the ruler of Virgo) and Jupiter, together with the conjunction between the Sun and Jupiter in Taurus, foreshadows success with academic studies or other highly intellectual achievements, with the procedures that involve trips or long-distance collaboration, maybe with judicial or legislative activities.

With Venus in your house of career, personal charm, social relationships and women's support could help you achieve success in May 2012.

However, the key to success will remain the ambition, initiative and competition that Mars in Virgo will lend you. Mars will be the one challenging you and strengthening your will, lending you force and energy, demanding action of you so that you show what you're capable of and dominate. It sometimes makes you hurry, risk and take careless decisions, too.

The perspectives of May 2012 are generally positive, though. Including the financial area, as accomplishments bring along welfare.

May 2012 Horoscope Virgo: Health & Morale

You'll have a lot of energy and you can make considerable efforts. But carelessness could take its toll.

The probable health problems in May 2012 will mostly be caused by your own tendency towards risks or excesses.

The predisposition towards injuries and accidents, acute, inflammatory or infectious ailments will still manifest in May 2012 and will require caution.

Look into things carefully before making important decisions!

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